Living and Learning Assistantships for International Students
Passed at the 458th (11th in 2023-24 AY) Administrative Council Meeting on January 8, 2023
Passed at the 213rd (9th in 2023-24 AY) Administrative Council Meeting on June 17, 2024
Artical 1. Ming Chuan University Process of Living and Learning Assistantships for International Students were established in accordance with Article 15 of the Ministry of Education's "Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan" to provide a living and learning assistantship for these students to study and live in Taiwan at ease.
Artical 2. International students who have completed at least one semester at MCU, and are officially registered with the institution for the current semester (including those enrolled in credit exchange programs or as research students at sister universities, excluding students in extended study period), with good conduct in the preceding semester, an overall academic average of 80 points or above, and conduct grades of 80 points or above, are eligible to apply for the "Living and Learning Assistantship for International Students" (hereinafter referred to as the Assistantship) under this process. "Good conduct" in the preceding semester refers to student behavior free from any misconduct records or serious violations of any laws or institutional regulations.
Exchange students and students of Dual Bachelor's Degree Programs studying at sister universities may substitute the conduct grades with a recommendation letter from a faculty member at that university if conduct grades are not available for reference.
Freshmen in the first semester of their first academic year are not subject to this limitation.
Artical 3. The scholarship amount for living and learning assistantship is NT$8,000 per semester and is disbursed once per semester.
Students who have already received any assistance for "financial need" or other scholarships provided by government agencies or external organizations providing the full tuition amount, and those who have received scholarships from other institutions, are not eligible to apply for this assistantship.
Artical 4. If a student takes a study leave or withdraws from the institution in the current semester, they will be considered to have automatically forfeited their eligibility to apply for this assistantship.
For students who take a study leave and resume their studies, they may apply for the assistantship in the current semester using the grades from the semester before the leave. Each semester's grades can only be used once to applied for the Assistantship. The disbursement will follow the regulations outlined in the previous article.
Artical 5. The application period for the Living and Learning assistantship for the first semester is from October 1 to October 15, and for the second semester is from March 1 to March 15. Foreign students are required to apply online through the Student Information System for International Scholarships. Late applications will not be accepted.
Artical 6. Upon being passed at the Administrative Council Meeting and approved by the president, these regulations are implemented. Any revision must follow the same procedure.
**In the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the Chinese and other language versions of this document, the Chinese version shall prevail. **
Application period: please apply via MCU Student Information System. Late applications are not accepted.
How to apply:
1. Log in MCU Student Information System
2. Click on "Apply"
3. Click on "International Scholarships"
4. Click on "Living and Learning Assistantship for International Student"
**Please confirm that you have received a reply email from the system after applying.
Ming Chuan University Procedures of Living and Learning Allowance for Outstanding International Student Athletes
This scheme is designed to help students develop their full sporting potential to train and compete at the highest level. Living and learning allowance are awarded to international students on the basis of their athletic ability and potential.
Article 1. These procedures are established for recruiting outstanding undergraduate international students in soccer and basketball field with the aim of enhancing the strength of university sports teams and encouraging the utilization of living and learning allowances.
Article 2. Specialties for Recruitment: Men’s Football (Soccer) and Men’s Basketball
Article 3. Eligibility Requirements: Students can apply for the allowance once they meet the following three requirements.
Applicants should not hold a Taiwanese passport.
Applicants are under 23 years old.
Applicants have outstanding performance in sports competitions.
Article 4. Required Documentation
- Basic Information
(1) One Resume and Biography
(2) Copy of Passport or National Identification Card
(3) Half-body Front-facing Photograph without a Hat Taken within the Past Two Months
- Proof of Sports Achievements
(1) Documentation of Participation and Achievements: Proof of participation as a member of national representative teams, state/provincial, county/city, and regional representative teams, school representative teams, clubs, and other notable sporting experiences. Please provide copy of relevant documents, including certificates of team membership and competition results (Originals must be presented for reference.).
(2) Video of Individual Technique: Applicants should provide 3-5 minute videos of participation in sports competitions or sports performance demonstrations.
Article 5. Reward Method: Applicants will be assessed based on their application documents and categorized into A, B, or C levels of scholarship.
- A Level Student: Receive scholarship to cover their first year of tuition and fees, nutrition fee, and on-campus accommodation for 4 years (including summer and winter vacations).
- B Level Student: Receive scholarship to cover half of first year tuition and fees, nutrition fee, and on-campus accommodation for 4 years (including summer and winter vacations).
- C Level Student: Receive scholarship to cover their nutrition fe, and on-campus accommodation for 4 years (including summer and winter vacations).
- The university will recommend A level scholarship students in football to apply for the Chen Bo-Liang Football Public Welfare Trust Scholarship, through which they may receive a monthly grant of NT$20,000.
- Management of the three award methods mentioned above will follow “Ming Chuan University Procedures of Living and Learning Allowance for Men’s Basketball Team” or “Ming Chuan University Procedures of Living and Learning Allowance for Men’s Football Team” from the second academic year.
Article 6: Applicants must pass the international student admission review of the university. Those who don't pass the admission review will lose their scholarship eligibility. Replacement candidates will be considered in sequential order, and the final roster of awarded students will be posted according to the official enrollment announcement.
Article 7. Upon being passed at the Administrative Council Meeting and
approved by the president, these procedures were announced and
implemented. Any revision must follow the same procedure.
Ming Chuan University Procedures for Chen Po-Liang Football Trust Fund Scholarship and Assistantship
Article 1 These Procedures were established for Chen Po-Liang Soccer Trust Fund to assist the development of MCU Football Team, help students to study without burden and inspire competitiveness.
Article 2 Subsidy methods:
- Number of recipients: Starting from 2023-24 Academic Year, this scholarship is awarded to one foreign and one local student with football talent. (Quota may be reserved for another year.).
- Amount: Each recipient will be awarded a scholarship of 20,000 NTD per month.
- Period: Limited to 4 years during students’ study period.
- Application qualification:
(1) New students with outstanding football qualifications and competition results.
(2) Current scholarship holders must have an average academic score of 70 or above and conduct grade of 80 or above.
- Application method: Submit relevant certificates, award certificates or other supporting documents to Physical Education Office according to the announced date.
- Results announcement: Announcement will be made after review by the Review Committee.
Article 3 The Review Committee comprises members from Chen Po-Liang Football Trust Fund and Ming Chuan University, responsible for reviewing the qualifications of new and current students each year and determining the recipient roster for the new academic year.
Article 4 If a scholarship recipient commits a violation against the university regulations or commits a major offense in the current semester, he/she may be disqualified from receiving the scholarship and his/her place may be transferred to other outstanding students.
Article 5 Scholarship recipients are required to participate in school team training and competitions. Students who have not participated in training or competitions, or who have taken leave or withdrawn from their studies are not eligible to receive the scholarship.
Article 6 Upon being passed by the Administrative Council, and approved by the President, these procedures were implemented. Any revision must follow the same procedure.
Tuition Waiver Process for International College of Ming Chuan University
(For the International College Programs student entering in the Fall semester 2021 and the Spring semester 2022)
Revised and passed at the 142nd Expanded Administrative Council Meeting on September 5, 2016
Article 1
These procedures are established to recruit and encourage overseas Chinese students, students from Hong Kong and Macao, and international students studying in International College of Ming Chuan University.
Article 2
Overseas Chinese students, students from Hong Kong and Macao, and international students (hereinafter referred to as “students”) will be immediately eligible for a 40% tuition waiver for the first academic year (includes 2 semesters) once they are admitted to an International College academic program.
All students are eligible for a 40% tuition waiver for the first academic year (includes 2 semesters), whether they apply in first semester application period or in second semester application period.
Article 3
First-year students are directly eligible for a 40% tuition waiver for the first academic year (includes 2 semesters).
Article 4
Second-year students will receive a 30%-off tuition waiver for the second academic year (includes 2 semesters) once their academic grade average is over 65, with passing grades in more of half of total courses taken, and conduct grade of over 80 for both the first and second semesters of their first academic year.
Students who become second-year students in their first year studying at Ming Chuan University will directly have 30%-off tuition waiver (includes 2 semesters) and do not need to meet the above-mentioned requirements of academic grade average, number of courses passed, and conduct grades.
Article 5
Third-year students will have a 20%-off tuition waiver for the third academic year (includes 2 semesters) once their academic grade average is over 70, with passing grades in more than half of total courses taken, and conduct grades over 80 in both the first and second semesters of the second academic year.
Students who become third-year students in their first year studying at Ming Chuan University will directly have 20%-off tuition waiver (includes 2 semesters) and do not need to meet the above-mentioned requirements of academic grade average, number of courses passed, and conduct grades.
Article 6
Fourth-year students will have a 10%-off tuition waiver for the fourth academic year (includes 2 semesters) once their academic grade average is over 70, with passing grades in more than half of total courses taken, and conduct grades over 80 in both the first and second semesters of the third academic year.
Article 7
Students are not eligible for tuition waiver in a semester for which they submit an application for study leave or withdrawal. Their payment will follow the general tuition fee regulations. They may have to pay the difference in the situation of having followed Tuition Waiver Process for International College of Ming Chuan University when making their original payment, should that amount be lower than the fee they are required to pay. They may receive a tuition fee refund in the situation of following Tuition Waiver Process for International College of Ming Chuan University when making their original payment, should that amount be higher than the fee they are required to pay.
Students may not receive a tuition waiver in the academic year (includes 2 semesters) they apply for resumption of studies. According to the above-mentioned requirements (academic grade average, number of courses passed, and conduct grades), they may receive tuition waiver in the following year. Should any of the following situations occur, students may not receive International College tuition waiver after they apply for resumption of studies: conduct grades or academic grade average are lower than 60 points, found guilty in any criminal case thus must take leave from study at the university.
Article 8
These procedures do not apply to those students who receive full scholarships from Taiwanese government such as Taiwan Scholarship students and International Cooperation and Development Fund students.
Article 9
Upon being passed at the Administrative Council Meeting and approved by the president, these regulations are implemented from 2016-17 academic year. Any revision must follow the same procedure.
**In the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the Chinese and other language versions of this document, the Chinese version shall prevail. **
Founder Dr. Ying-Chao Lee Memorial Scholarship for Outstanding Students
1. The Founder Dr. Ying-Chao Lee Memorial Scholarship was established to commemorate Ming Chuan University Founder Dr. Ying-Chao Lee’s great spirit of perseverance in establishing Ming Chuan University.
2. Undergraduate students (not including students in extended study period) who have met the following criteria are eligible for this scholarship:
(1) Have achieved an academic grade average of at least 80 and at least 86 for conduct grade.
(2) Rank in the top three of their class section for academic grade average.
3. In principle, the scholarship is awarded to three students in every class section, but will not be awarded if no student meets the above criteria.
4. Students who rank first in their class section that semester will be awarded 10,000 NTD. Students who rank second will be awarded 5,000 NTD, and students ranking third, 2,000 NTD.
5. Students in master's programs who are ranked first in their class section that semester will be awarded 5,000 NTD. Students ranked second will be granted 3,000 NTD, and students ranking third, 2,000 NTD.
6. The scholarship is effective beginning from 2006-2007 AY.
**In the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the Chinese and other language versions of this document, the Chinese version shall prevail. **
Ming Chuan University Procedures for Awarding Scholarships for Study Abroad Program
Passed at Administrative Council Meeting on May 21, 2012
Passed and Revised at Administrative Council Meeting on December 21, 2015
Passed at Administrative Council Meeting on June 5, 2023
Article I <Purpose>
This scholarship program is promulgated for the purpose of encouraging outstanding students and providing them with opportunities to participate in exchange and dual-degree programs at overseas sister schools, to study diligently and broaden their horizons while studying abroad.
Article II <Qualification>
The recipients of these scholarships must be enrolled students with official status at the university (excluding degree students of Mainland China nationality). The applicant's chosen school for overseas study must be a sister school that has a signed agreement with the university, and during their study abroad, they should maintain enrolled status at our institution. The types of study programs eligible for these incentives include the following:
- Participants in an exchange program who have completed at least one semester of their regular academic program as specified by the sister school and have earned the respective credits. Additionally, they should meet at least one of the following conditions and submit their application during the designated application period:
a. Undergraduate students – academic grade average of the previous semester of 70 or higher, conduct grade of 84 or higher.
b. Graduate students – academic grade average of 80 or higher, conduct grade of 84 of higher. - Participants in a dual-degree program who have completed more than half of the normal duration of their affiliated academic program and satisfy both of the following conditions. Moreover, they submit their application during the designated application period: a. Undergraduate students with academic grade average for the previous semester of 70 or higher, conduct grade of 84 or higher; graduate students with academic grade average of 80 or higher, conduct grade of 84 or higher.
b. Participants must complete the registration process at both institutions for the current semester. - Students who already have government scholarships or full scholarships from external organizations cannot apply for this scholarship.
Article III <Scholarship Award>
For participants in exchange programs, the amount of the incentive is based on the region of participation in the Elite Overseas Study Program. For the same applicant and educational level, only one incentive may be awarded. The details are as follows:
- For participants in the Asian region, the principle is NT$10,000 per person.
- For participants in non-Asian regions, the principle is NT$20,000 per person.
For participants in dual-degree programs, the maximum amount is set at NTD 120,000. Applicants can apply for the reward each semester, and those who meet the eligibility criteria will receive NTD 20,000 for each approved application.
Participants in dual-degree programs must obtain certificates of graduation from both partner institutions within the stipulated normal study period. They are also eligible to apply for an additional NTD 40,000. Failure to complete the dual-degree programs within the specified study period and submit the certificates of graduation from both institutions will disqualify them from claiming the above-mentioned amount. The rights and obligations related to the incentives are subject to the administrative contract signed between the recipient and the university.
To encourage economically disadvantaged but outstanding students to pursue overseas study, students who hold valid low-income household certificates or certificates of medium to low-income subsidies (issued by the competent authority of local governments) and achieve excellent academic performance (among top three in each department, in principle) will receive up to twice of the amount of the overseas study subsidy as their incentive, based on the principle of merit.
Awarded students are expected to assist in promoting international education-related activities when their return to the country.
The International Education Committee may adjust the funding and quota based on the funding sources and available resources.
Article IV <Application Process>
For participants in exchange programs, the application periods for this scholarship are as follows: October 1st to October 15th for the first semester and March 1st to March 15th for the second semester. Applicants must complete the online application for the scholarship through the Student Information System during the application period, then submit the application receipt to the International Education and Exchange Division.
For participants in dual-degree programs, in line with the differences of academic systems in various countries, applicants should complete the registration process at both partner institutions during the current semester. Within two weeks starting from the midterm exam week at MCU, they should complete the online application for this scholarship through the Student Information System. Additionally, they should prepare the application receipt, the previous semester's academic transcript from the host institution, and proof of registration and payment for the current semester at both institutions for submission to the International Education and Exchange Division.
Late submission, incomplete documents, or any violation of the regulations is not accepted.
Application documents will not be returned, whether approved or not.
Article V <Committee Review Process>
MCU International Education Committee reserves the right to decide on the final scholarship awardee list.
The funding for these incentives is provided by the Ministry of Education's Higher Education Sprout Project Fund or allocated from the institution's own budget. The allocation of project funds is carried out in accordance with the "Ming Chuan University Higher Education Sprout Project Budgeting Standards”. The actual amount of funding granted, the number of applicants receiving funds, and the fluctuations in funding may be adjusted based on the total budget for the current year and the overall development of the project. The amount is disbursed based on the allocated budget and actual expenditures. Any amount that exceeds the allocated budget or is not included in the project is not eligible for funding.
Article VI
Upon being passed at the Administrative Council and approved by the President, these regulations were announced and implemented. Any revision must follow the same procedure.
*In the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the Chinese and other language versions of this document, the Chinese version shall prevail. *
Taiwan Scholarship Program -
More Information: https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/engb01.html
Ming Chuan University Regulations for Taiwan Scholarship Program
Passed at Expanded Administrative Council Meeting on February 21, 2022
Passed at Expanded Administrative Council Meeting on June 15, 2015
Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on April 23, 2011
Passed at the Administrative Council Meeting on December 17, 2007
Article 1
The 「Ming Chuan University Regulations for Taiwan Scholarship Program」 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) is promulgated in accordance with「Revised Taiwan Scholarship Program Guidelines 」regulations of the Ministry of Education (MOE), ROC.
Article 2 Definition of Recipient
The recipient, stipulated in this Regulation, shall be a registered full-time student and name-listed in the official letter issued by the Taiwan Embassy/ Overseas Representative Office, the MOE and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA).
Article 3 Duration of the scholarship
Annual award periods are from September 1st through August 31st of the following year. It begins from the month that recipients arrive and matriculate at MCU. All awards will end in the month their specified award period is completed. If recipients graduate, drop out, expelled from MCU, or their scholarships are revoked, whichever comes first, the award will be terminated.
Article 4 Remittance of Scholarship
After recipients arrive and register in MCU, except that they receive the first time scholarship of September and October in one remittance, in principle, stipends are granted on the 1st day of each month (If the remittance day falls on a holiday, it will be extended automatically to the next workday.). Recipients who already have been awarded a scholarship from Taiwan governmental agencies, or other scholarships from MCU, cannot apply for any other scholarships. Otherwise, MCU will automatically suspend recipient’s scholarships and inform the related governmental agencies in writing in order to cancel recipient’s scholarship status and recover the scholarship funds that have already been granted.
The MOE awards each recipient up to NTD40,000 per semester. If the total amount of these fees should exceed NTD40,000, the remainder shall be covered by the living and learning allowance provided by MCU.
Article 5 Suspension and Revocation of Scholarship
Scholarships may be suspended or revoked if one the following situations arise:
1.The recipients must comply with MCU’s General Provisions for Study, all relevant regulations of the University, and guidelines of the MOE and the MOFA. In case of withdrawal, suspension, expulsion, or any other violation, the university will immediately suspend or revoke the recipient’s scholarships.
2. Recipients who are suspended, withdrawn or expelled from the university shall have their scholarship revoked and subsistence allowance suspended. When this occurs after the 15th of the month, recipients will not be required to return that month’s subsistence allowance. Tuition and other fees paid must be returned pro rata to the designated office in accordance with relevant regulations of the University.
3.Recipients are not allowed to work illegally (including part-time work) while in Taiwan. If recipients engage in any labor activity without the MOE’s approval of award renewal or without notifying the university for the university to report to MOE, their scholarships will be revoked and they must return any stipend and subsistence allowance given to them during the period of employment.
4. At the time of enrollment for each study term, students must not fail to submit a copy of Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) with “pursuing studies” as the reason for stay to International Education and Exchange Division within 4 weeks after the semester begins or altering the reason of stay while in receipt of the scholarships.
5. Upon verification that a MOE recipient is absent for more than one-thirds of classes in a single month, the recipient’s subsistence allowances for that month shall be suspended with the recipient’s scholarship subject to revocation.
6. Recipients whose academic average for the semester is below the passing standard set by the university will have their scholarships suspended for a month (February for 1st semester/ September for 2nd semester). The academic standards are as follows:
a)MOE undergraduate recipient’s academic average cannot be less than 70%, while a master or doctoral student’s academic average cannot be less than 80%.
b)MOFA undergraduate recipient’s academic average cannot be less than 60%, while a master or doctoral student’s academic average cannot be less than 70%.
c) Recipients whose academic average for the semester is below the passing standard for two consecutive semesters will have their scholarship revoked starting the next semester.
Article 6 Application Procedures of Tuition Deduction Service
- The applicant must apply for the Tuition Deduction Service in the Student Information System within two weeks before the final exam starts in the given semester.
- The deducted amount follows the tuition fee quoted on the Tuition Form, which will be deducted over the four months of the semester. The remaining balance of the stipends will be granted to the recipients. The deduction period of 1st semester is applicable from September to December; 2nd semester is from February to May.
- If the applicant’s academic average fails to meet the passing grade, MCU will suspend the recipient’s scholarship for the first month of the following semester. Thus, the tuition deduction period shall start from the second month of the semester for three successive months.
- MOE scholarship recipients are not eligible for tuition deduction service. Students who would like to apply for the service are required to submit an application separately with an official document and will be eligible after approval.
Article 7 Returning Plane Ticket Application
MOFA scholarship recipients are required to fill out and seal the “Plane Ticket Application Form for MOFA Scholarship Recipients” and submit the form to International Education and Exchange Division two months prior to their departure from Taiwan to apply for the return plane ticket. Recipients from the Pacific Islands are required to complete the process three months prior to their departure from Taiwan.
Article 8 Other matters not stipulated in the guidelines should follow the relevant MCU and MOE regulations.
Article 9 Upon being passed at the Administrative Council Meeting, these procedures were implemented and approved by the president. Any revision must follow the same procedure.
**In the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the Chinese and other language versions of this document, the Chinese version shall prevail. **
MCU TaiwanICDF program website http://taiwanicdf.mcu.edu.tw/new/en/node/41
TaiwanICDF official website https://www.icdf.org.tw/wSite/mp?mp=2
Living and Learning Assistantship Process for International College
Revised and passed at the 443th Administrative Council Meeting on April 17, 2023 (Meeting 15 2022-23 Academic Year)
Article 1
These procedures are established to recruit and encourage overseas Chinese students, students from Hong Kong and Macao, and international students studying in International College of Ming Chuan University (MCU) and to provide a living and learning assistantship for them to study and live in Taiwan at ease.
Article 2
Full-time international students, overseas Chinese students, and students from Hong Kong and Macao (including those currently on exchange and dual degree programs in sister schools abroad, not including extended study period students), who are enrolled for matriculation at MCU and have completed one semester of study in International College, achieving outstanding performance in both conduct and academic grade average in the previous semester as detailed below, are eligible to apply for the living and learning assistantship (herein referred to as the assistantship).
1. Applicant’s academic grade average for the previous semester is 75 or higher and conduct grade for the previous semester is 80 or higher.
2. The abovementioned outstanding conduct performance is defined as the applicant having no poor conduct recorded and no legal or school regulation violations for the previous semester.
Article 3
The assistantship amount is disbursed according to qualified applicant’s year level in the current academic year.
The assistantship provided by the university for first-year students is a grant of NTD 15,000.
The assistantship provided by the university for second-year students is a grant of NTD 11,000.
The assistantship provided by the university for third-year students is a grant of NTD 8,000.
The assistantship provided by the university for fourth-year students is a grant of NTD 4,000.
Article 4
Students who are on study leave and subsequently return to school are eligible to apply for the living and learning assistantship in the current semester based on their academic performance in the semester immediately prior to their study leave.
Article 5
Applicants must complete their assistantship application online via MCU Student Information System for the first semester starting on October 1st and ending on October 15th; application period for the second semester starts in March and ends on March 15th. Late applications are not accepted.
Article 6
Applicants who already awarded other scholarships/ assistantships from Taiwan government entities or awarded a full scholarship/ assistantship from other entities off campus are not eligible to apply for this assistantship.
Article 7
Upon being passed at the Administrative Council Meeting and approved by the president, these regulations are implemented. Any revision must follow the same procedure.
Article 8
This revised procedure is effective from August 2022 and applies to students who entered International College from 2022-23 Academic Year.
**In the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the Chinese and other language versions of this document, the Chinese version shall prevail. **
**From the 2024-2025 academic year, it has been merged into [Living and Learning Assistantships for International Students]
Southeast Asia Students Financial Assistance Scholarships
(Only For Regular Programs Studets)
1. The purpose of the scholarship is to help meet the financial needs of outstanding international students from Southeast Asia who are presently in financial difficulties.
2. College students (except for Southeast Asia students in the International College and Extended Study Period Student) who meet the conditions below will be eligible to apply for this scholarship:
1) Native of Southeast Asia, matriculated, regular, undergraduate student at Ming Chuan University
2) Obtain academic grade point average over 80 in the most recent semester,
with passing grades in excess of half of total courses taken, and conduct grade over 80(Newly-admitted students in their first semester can apply without meeting these requirements.)
3. International Students who have applied this scholarship are not allowed to reapply for 「Ming Chuan University Students in Financial Need」scholarship.
4. The students who are awarded the scholarship will receive NT8,000 per semester. These applications will be processed every semester.
5. The Division of International Education & Exchange will preliminarily screen the applicants.
6. The results will be sent to a Scholarship Screening Committee to determine the awards.
**From the 2024-2025 academic year, it has been merged into [Living and Learning Assistantships for International Students]
Scholarship Q & A
Q1: Where can I get the scholarship information?
A1:All kinds of scholarship information will be continually updated and posted on the MCU weekly and website of MCU –IEE division –Scholarship website: http://iee.mcu.edu.tw/
Q2: When is the deadline for application?
A2: Application deadline for scholarship is different with each kind of scholarship. For Spring Semester, applicants apply before December 15; for Fall Semester, applicants apply before March 15.
Q3: When can I know the result for scholarship?
A3: Scholarship result for spring semester will be announced early May, and early December for fall semester each year.
Q4: What things that I have to pay attention to?
A4: On-line Application from student information system.
Q5: I can only apply one item of scholarship?
A5:MCU scholarship for international students, applicants apply for spring and fall semester, limited to one-time ONLY. After admission, students can apply through Student Affairs Office for various scholarships with good academic performance (According to The Regulations of MCU Scholarship for Int’l Students and various scholarship regulations).
Q6:Are scholarships offered every year? If I missed the application deadline this year, can I apply for it the next year?
A6:MCU scholarship offers semester but this will always depend if our University has enough funds. And applicants also need to apply each semester with their grade certificate and relevant documents.
Q7:I already got other funding, can I apply MCU scholarship?
A7:If you already got funding scholarship by Taiwan Goverment, you can't apply MCU scholarship.
Q8:How much can I get from MCU scholarship?
Q8:Relevant scholarship deals follow each year budget of the Scholarship for MCU International Student scholarship after review of the Commission's resolution to give different quota scholarship.
Q9:Which types of the scholarship is suitable for me?
A9:As soon as you enroll in MCU, all international students can apply Scholarship for MCU International student scholarship. Taiwan Scholarship should be applied at Taiwan representative office, closest to their home countries’ permanent residence.
Q10:What is the difference between Government founding and university founding?
A10:The amount of scholarships are different. Taiwan Scholarship includes tuition fee and living fee; however, amount of the other scholarships are not at a fixed.
A11:How can I get my scholarship?
A11:After you have Taiwan any bank account information, please key in to student system. MCU will transfer scholarship to your account. If you don’t have any bank account, you need take student ID card and ARC card (or passport) to bursar section to get it.
Q12:Scholarship coordinator
A12:International Education & Exchange division - Chu, Ting Chia (Daphne) daphne@mail.mcu.edu.tw Tel: 03-350-7001 ext. 3703
**Each Scholarship information, please check different kind of scholarship regulation.**