Ming Chuan University Overseas Student Q&A
New and Existing Overseas Student Q&A
Q1: 我父母一方是台灣籍,我可以用外籍學生身分申請嗎? A: 1. 狀況一、申請者沒有台灣戶籍,持有其他國家護照 (海外連續居留滿6年,每年在台不超過120天)>>> 屬於國際學生/外籍生,請參閱國教處網站點選國際學生申請入學。 2. 狀況二、申請者有台灣戶籍,國外居留超過6年,並取得僑居地永久或長期居留證 >台灣政府目前沒有開放非學位生(含交換學生)入境>> 屬於僑生,適用[個人申請] 與 [聯合分發]請參閱海外聯招會網站<http://www.overseas.ncnu.edu.tw/countrylist.aspx>,或銘傳僑生單獨招生<https://admission.mcu.edu.tw/node/101> Q1: One of my parents is Taiwanese; can I apply as an international student? A: 1. Case 1: Applicant does not hold a Taiwanese household registry and holds a passport of another country (continuous residence in overseas country for over 6 years, and has stayed in Taiwan for no more than 120 days each year) à Student is deemed as an international students/foreign student. Please refer to the website of the International Education and Exchange Division and click on international student admission under Work Processes <https://iee.mcu.edu.tw/en/Work-Processes>. 2. Case 2: Applicant holds Taiwanese household registry, has lived abroad for more than 6 years, and has obtained a permanent or long-term residence permit of a foreign country. Taiwanese government has not yet opened borders to non-degree seeking international students (including exchange students). à For overseas Chinese, please refer to the website of the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students for [Individual Application] and [Joint Distribution] at <http://www.overseas.ncnu.edu.tw/countrylist.aspx>, or MCU individual admission for overseas Chinese students <https://admission.mcu.edu.tw/node/101> |
Q2: 外籍生想要申請中文授課的科系可以嗎? A: 欲申請中文授課系所的申請者須具備以下證明: 1. 中文為母語者或大學主修中文並具證明者 2. 華語文能力測驗新制(TOCFL)高階級或其他同等級華語文考試中級 Q2: Is it possible for foreign students to apply to a Chinese-taught program? A: Students who would like to apply for Chinese-taught program must provide the following proof: 1. Applicant whose mother tongue is Chinese or who has majored in Chinese in University and has relevant proof. 2. TOCFL B2 level or intermediate level on other Mandarin Chinese language proficiency test. |
Q3: 我有GED證書還需要繳交什麼文件? A: 大學部申請者至少須完成高中11年制(Form5),除提供GED證書及成績單外,歷年成績單(yr10~11)及畢業證書或離校證書也是必繳文件。 Q3: I have a GED certificate, what other documentations do I need to apply? A: Undergraduate applicants must have completed at least 11 years of high school (Form 5). Applicants are required to provide GED certificate, transcript, diploma or school-leaving certificate. |
Q4: 有哪些政府獎學金我可以申請? A: 請參考台灣獎學金及國合會獎學金網頁 Taiwan scholarship <http://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/index.aspx> ICDF scholarship <http://www.icdf.org.tw/ct.asp?xItem=12505&CtNode=30316&mp=2> *申請者需分別完成獎學金申請及銘傳入學申請。 Q: What government scholarships can I apply for? A: For Taiwan scholarship and ICDF scholarship information, please visit the respective website: <http://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/index.aspx> <http://www.icdf.org.tw/ct.asp?xItem=12505&CtNode=30316&mp=2> Applicants need to complete MCU application for admission and scholarship application separately. |
Q5: 請問學校有提供獎學金給外籍生嗎? A: 請參閱國教處網頁”獎助學金” Q5: Does the University provide scholarships for international students? A: You can check information about scholarships on IEE website |
Q6: 台灣獎學金什麼時候可以領? A: 請參閱國教處網頁”銘傳大學臺灣獎學金實施辦法”(僅就讀銘傳大學的臺灣獎學金受獎生適用) https://iee.mcu.edu.tw/zh-hant/content/%e7%8d%8e%e5%8a%a9%e5%ad%b8%e9%87%91 Q6: When will I receive my Taiwan Scholarship? A: Please refer to IEE website for more information about “Ming Chuan University Regulations for Taiwan Scholarship Program” at <https://iee.mcu.edu.tw/en/content/scholarship> (applicable to Taiwan scholarship holders only). |
Q7: 我的大學學分可以抵免嗎? A: 申請者提供成績單後,由系所確認及審核預估抵免學分數。 Q7: Can I waive credits for courses I have already taken? A: After the applicant has submitted their transcript, the department will review and confirm the number of credits that can be waived. |
Q8: 請問我被錄取了嗎? A: 請登入“銘傳大學國際學生報名系統“ 查詢進度。 https://apply.mcu.edu.tw/apply/overseason Q8: Am I admitted to MCU? A: You can check your application status via MCU online application system <http://apply.mcu.edu.tw/apply/inquiry> -- click "inquiry" |
Q9: 請問我還沒收到入學通知,怎麼查詢? A: 請登入“銘傳大學國際學生報名系統“列印文件區列印你的入學通知。 https://apply.mcu.edu.tw/apply/overseason Q9: I have not yet received my admission notice’ how can I check? A: Applicant can print out admission notice via MCU online application system <https://apply.mcu.edu.tw/admin/frontend/notification> -- click “Print Documents” |
Q10:請問我要從國外匯款繳學費,如何取學校繳費帳號? A: 請參閱國教處網站。 Q10: I would like to transfer tuition fee from overseas; how can I check the account number for fee payment? A: IEE Website: International Applicationà click “Instructions for Fee-Payment” <https://iee.mcu.edu.tw/en/content/international-application-0> |
Q1: 請問高中畢業證書/成績單,尚未認證怎麼辦? A: 教務處允許,開學後兩周內繳交認證文件,如果無法如期繳交,請至教務處確認,繳交期限。 Q1: How do I certify my high school diploma and transcript? May I submit the certified documents later? A: Following the regulations, students need to submit all the certified documents within 2 weeks after new semester starts. If you are unable to submit something, please confirm with the Enrollment Section of Academic Affairs Division about the certified documents submission deadline. |
Q2: 請問我之前在別的學校修的學分可以抵免嗎? 可以抵免多少? A: 請入學後,將成績單送交系上,系上會協助作後續的學分抵免。 Q2: How many credits can be waived at MCU for the credits I already earned from another university? A: Please submit your transcript(s) to your department/program office for credit waiver-related affairs after you complete the registration procedure. |
Q3: 請問我在國外已經讀到二年級,為什麼我要從一年級開始念? A: 先入學一年級,之後知會系上,系上會協助處理學分抵免,再依規定提編年級。 Q3: Why do I still need to start my study from the first year even though I am a second-year student in my home country? A: At first, you will be arranged in a first-year class upon completion of registration. The university will inform your department to handle credit waiver affairs, follow related regulations and adjust your study status based on your actual credit waiver situation. |
Q4: 請問什麼時候可以拿到學生證? A:完成註冊,填寫學生資訊系統之新生資料及上傳電子檔照片後,待製卡完成,教務處即可核發學生證。 Q4: When can I receive my MCU student ID card? A: The Academic Affairs Division will issue your student ID card (normally takes 7-10 days) after you compete registration procedures, fill in the Freshmen Information and upload a digital photo to the Student Information System. |
Q5: 請問如何向學校更新居留證號? A: 請登入電子表單及公文系統,填電子表單,表單編號1912,並上傳新的居留證。 https://www1.mcu.edu.tw/Apps/SB/SB_Site.aspx?PageID=164&L_ID=2 Q5: How do I update my ARC number with the university? A: Please log in to E-Requests and E-Form System to fill out form No.1912 and upload your new ARC for reference. |
Q6: 請問如何申請在學證明? A: 至校,於“文件自動繳費機”申請,馬上取得中文版在學證明;英文版在學證明,請 持收據至教務組領取。 Q6: How do I apply for an Enrollment Certificate? A: You can directly apply for the certificate at the Automated Payment Machine on campus, applicants can collect the Chinese certificate right away from the machine or visit Academic Affairs Division with their receipt to pick up the English certificate. |
Q7: 請問如何申請延長修業證明或應屆畢業證明(申請延長居留證用)? A: 登入電子表單及公文系統,至電子表單申請,表單編號1963。教務處領取。 https://www1.mcu.edu.tw/Apps/SB/SB_Site.aspx?PageID=164&L_ID=2 Q7: How do I apply for Extended Study Certificate or Pending Graduation Certificate needed for ARC extension? A: Please log in to E-Requests and E-Form System to fill out form No.1963; you can pick up the certificate at Enrollment Section of Academic Affairs Division after your application request is confirmed. https://www1.mcu.edu.tw/Apps/SB/SB_Site.aspx?PageID=164 |
Q8: 請問如何更改我的中文姓名? A: 請先登入電子表單及公文系統,至電子表單申請,表單編號1915。備妥證明文件。 Q8: Where can I update my Chinese name? A: Please log into E-Requests and E-Form System to fill out form No.1915. Upload the related document verifying a new Chinese name in the system. |
Q1: 請問交換學生如何申請來銘傳大學就讀? A: 交換學生由姐妹學校選派推薦,請聯繫姐妹學校國際事務人員。細節請參閱國教處網站(https://iee.mcu.edu.tw/)-赴本校交換計畫(國際學生),或聯繫交換學生承辦窗口ivy@mail.mcu.edu.tw。 Q1: How do I apply as an international exchange student to MCU? A: Exchange students are nominated by MCU’s partner institutions. Please contact the international office at your home institution about the nomination procedure. For more information, please visit MCU IEE website <https://iee.mcu.edu.tw/en/Work-Processes> and click on Exchange (Inbound) under Work Processes, or email ivy@mail.mcu.edu.tw for assistance. |
Q2: 請問交換學生申請需要語言要求嗎? A: 申請時不需要提交語言成績證明,交換學生由姐妹學校選派推薦,我們尊重姊妹學校推薦學生具備適當的英語或中文程度,英語程度建議: TOEFL IBT 61, IELTS 5.0, TOEIC 550以上;中文程度建議: 華語文能力測驗新制(TOCFL)高階級或其他同等級華語文考試中級以上。 Q2: Is a language proficiency certificate necessary to apply to MCU as an international exchange student? A: Language proficiency certificate is not required for the application. Exchange students are selected and recommended by our partner institutions. We rely on our partner institutions to ensure that students coming to study at MCU have a sufficient level of English or Mandarin to cope in an academic environment. It is advised students have a level similar to TOEFL IBT 61, IELTS 5 or TOEIC 550 for English-taught courses// TOCFL B2 level or HSK 4 for Chinese-taught courses. |
Q3: 請問交換學生要支付銘傳大學學費嗎? A: 交換學生由姐妹學校選派推薦,學生支付母校學費,不須支付銘傳大學學費。來台後的個人生活費、住宿費、保險費等由學生自行負擔。 Q3: Do I pay tuition fees to MCU? A: Exchange students recommended by MCU partner institutions pay tuition fees at their home institution. Students are responsible for personal living expenses, housing, insurance, etc. while studying at MCU. |
Q4: 請問非銘傳大學姊妹校學生,可以申請來銘傳大學交換嗎? A: 學生就讀非銘傳大學姐妹學校,可以外國選讀生身分申請至銘傳大學就讀,須支付銘傳大學學費。外國選讀生請聯繫承辦窗口ivy@mail.mcu.edu.tw。 Q4: Can I apply if my school has no partnership with MCU? A: MCU accepts visiting students from university/ college with no official partnership agreement with MCU. Visiting students should pay tuition fees to MCU. For more information on visiting student application, please email ivy@mail.mcu.edu.tw for assistance. |
Q5: 請問交換學生要自己準備保險來台灣嗎? A: 來銘傳大學就讀一學期的交換學生,出發前請自行在母國準備好保險來台使用。如果無法從母國備好保險,可於抵台後自費加入銘傳大學境外學生保險。 來銘傳大學就讀一學年的交換學生,持有居留證並且在台居留滿6個月起,可以自費加入全民健康保險。 Q5: Should I prepare my insurance coverage in my home country? A: International students on 1-semester exchange program are strongly recommended to arrange their own general & medical insurance coverage in their home country for their stay in Taiwan. If students have difficulty in arranging insurance before departure, they can consider the option of joining the Foreign Students Health Insurance at their own expense after arriving at MCU. International students on 1-year exchange program, who have been staying in Taiwan for more than 6 months and already been issued the Alien Residence Certificate (ARC), can join the National Health Insurance, the healthcare system in Taiwan, at their own expense. |
Q6: 請問交換學生可以申請學校宿舍嗎? A: 交換學生可以申請學校宿舍,宿舍床位由銘傳大學安排,學生無法選擇室友。細節請參閱國教處網站(https://iee.mcu.edu.tw/)-赴本校交換計畫(國際學生),或聯繫交換學生承辦窗口ivy@mail.mcu.edu.tw。 Q6: Can I apply for school dormitory? A: Exchange students can apply for school dormitory space, but rooms are arranged by MCU. Students cannot choose roommates. For more information, please visit MCU IEE website <https://iee.mcu.edu.tw/en/Work-Processes> and click on Exchange (Inbound) under Work Processes, or email ivy@mail.mcu.edu.tw for assistance. |
Q7: 請問交換學生可以預先選課嗎? A: 交換學生不可以預先選課。交換學生抵達銘傳大學,完成新生報到註冊程序,開學後於規定期間內進行網路選課,部分課程可能因額滿無法開放加選。 Q7: Can I pre-register for courses at MCU? A: Exchange students cannot pre-register for courses in advance from overseas. After arriving at MCU in the beginning of the new semester and completing the registration procedure, exchange students can enroll, change, add or drop courses online through Student System during the online course add/drop period. Please note that it may be difficult for exchange students to get all the courses they are interested in because a limited number of seats are available for popular classes. |
Q8: 請問交換學生可以選擇不同科系、不同年級課程嗎? A: 交換學生可以選擇不同科系、不同年級、不同校區課程,建議每學期至少選修9學分,最多不超過25學分。銘傳大學採用美制學分系統1 Credit大約等於2 ECTS歐制學分。 Q8: Can I take courses from other programs and year levels? A: Yes, exchange students can take courses from different programs, year levels, and campuses. A full-time student at MCU is strongly recommended to enroll in 9 credits at minimum and 25 credits at maximum, per semester. MCU uses the U.S. credit system : 1 Credit ≒ 2 ECTS. |
Q9: 請問交換學生可以選擇那些課程? A: 交換學生可以選擇校內各科系開設以中文授課的專業科目(https://web.mcu.edu.tw/)-點選學術單位,亦可選擇國際學院開授之全英語授課課程(http://ic.mcu.edu.tw/)。此外,銘傳大學華語中心提供華語課程密集班(90小時,課程費用新台幣NT$13,500抵台後支付),華語中心授以高級、中級或初級程度課程,學生可依個人程度選擇最合適的華語學習機會,更多細節請至http://mscc.mcu.edu.tw/。 Q9: What courses are available for exchange students? A: Exchange students are eligible to take courses available at all campus locations, including Chinese-taught programs <https://web.mcu.edu.tw/en> click on Academics), and English-taught programs offered by the International College <http://ic.mcu.edu.tw/>. If interested in learning Chinese, exchange students can attend language classes offered by the Mandarin Studies & Culture Center (MSCC) of MCU <http://mscc.mcu.edu.tw/en>. MSCC classes are available for Basic, Intermediate and Advanced levels. Students will pay tuition for MSCC language classes, i.e. NT$13,500 for a total of 90 class hours per semester, after arriving at MCU. |
Q10: 請問交換學生如何取得成績單? A: 學期結束離開銘傳大學之前,交換學生應填交離校申請書(期末前提供表格)。期末考結束後一個月內,教務處將製發成績單並直接郵寄至學生母校(國際事務承辦人員),待學生返回母校自行領取。 Q10: How can I obtain a MCU transcript? A: Before leaving MCU at the end of study, students need to submit a completed “Completion of Studies Application Form” (Form will be provided via email before the end of the semester.). Within one month after the final exams, the Academic Affairs Division of MCU will issue the transcript and post directly to the student’s home institution (Attention to the international office/ study abroad personnel). Students can collect a copy of the transcript when returning home. |
Q11: 請問銘傳大學有提供獎學金給交換學生嗎? A: 銘傳大學沒有提供獎學金給交換學生。如需財力支援,請聯繫學生母國政府、母校尋求協助。 Q11: Does MCU provide scholarships for exchange students? A: No, MCU does not provide scholarships for exchange students. Please contact the governmental agencies at your home country, or your home institution for financial assistance. |
Q1: 請問高中畢業證書/成績單,尚未認證怎麼辦? A: 教務處允許,開學後兩周內繳交認證文件,如果無法如期繳交,請至教務處確認,繳交期限。 Q1: How do I certify my high school diploma and transcript? May I submit the certified documents later? A: Following the regulations, students need to submit all the certified documents within 2 weeks after new semester starts. If you are unable to submit something, please confirm with the Enrollment Section of Academic Affairs Division about the certified documents submission deadline. |
Q2: 請問我之前在別的學校修的學分可以抵免嗎? 可以抵免多少? A: 請入學後,將成績單送交系上,系上會協助作後續的學分抵免。 Q2: How many credits can be waived at MCU for the credits I already earned from another university? A: Please submit your transcript(s) to your department/program office for credit waiver-related affairs after you complete the registration procedure. |
Q3: 請問我在國外已經讀到二年級,為什麼我要從一年級開始念? A: 先入學一年級,之後知會系上,系上會協助處理學分抵免,再依規定提編年級。 Q3: Why do I still need to start my study from the first year even though I am a second-year student in my home country? A: At first, you will be arranged in a first-year class upon completion of registration. The university will inform your department to handle credit waiver affairs, follow related regulations and adjust your study status based on your actual credit waiver situation. |
Q4: 請問什麼時候可以拿到學生證? A:完成註冊,填寫學生資訊系統之新生資料及上傳電子檔照片後,待製卡完成,教務處即可核發學生證。 Q4: When can I receive my MCU student ID card? A: The Academic Affairs Division will issue your student ID card (normally takes 7-10 days) after you compete registration procedures, fill in the Freshmen Information and upload a digital photo to the Student Information System. |
Q5: 請問如何向學校更新居留證號? A: 請登入電子表單及公文系統,填電子表單,表單編號1912,並上傳新的居留證。 https://www1.mcu.edu.tw/Apps/SB/SB_Site.aspx?PageID=164&L_ID=2 Q5: How do I update my ARC number with the university? A: Please log in to E-Requests and E-Form System to fill out form No.1912 and upload your new ARC for reference. https://www1.mcu.edu.tw/Apps/SB/SB_Site.aspx?PageID=164 |
Q6: 請問如何申請在學證明? A: 至校,於“文件自動繳費機”申請,馬上取得中文版在學證明;英文版在學證明,請 持收據至教務組領取。 Q6: How do I apply for an Enrollment Certificate? A: You can directly apply for the certificate at the Automated Payment Machine on campus, applicants can collect the Chinese certificate right away from the machine or visit Academic Affairs Division with their receipt to pick up the English certificate. |
Q7: 請問如何申請延長修業證明或應屆畢業證明(申請延長居留證用)? A: 登入電子表單及公文系統,至電子表單申請,表單編號1963。教務處領取。 https://www1.mcu.edu.tw/Apps/SB/SB_Site.aspx?PageID=164&L_ID=2 Q7: How do I apply for Extended Study Certificate or Pending Graduation Certificate needed for ARC extension? A: Please log in to E-Requests and E-Form System to fill out form No.1963; you can pick up the certificate at Enrollment Section of Academic Affairs Division after your application request is confirmed. https://www1.mcu.edu.tw/Apps/SB/SB_Site.aspx?PageID=164 |
Q8: 請問如何更改我的中文姓名? A: 請先登入電子表單及公文系統,至電子表單申請,表單編號1915。備妥證明文件。 Q8: Where can I update my Chinese name? A: Please log into E-Requests and E-Form System to fill out form No.1915. Upload the related document verifying a new Chinese name in the system. |
Q1: 請問宿舍地點離學校多遠? 如何從宿舍去學校? A: 目前新生安排在集賢宿舍,離學校大約35分鐘車程。可以搭公車也可以搭捷運。 Q1: How far is it from the dorm to the university? How do I get to the university from the dorm? A: The university currently arranges Taipei Campus freshmen to live in Jixian Dorm, which takes 35 minutes to the university by bus or MRT. Please refer to the following links for more information: https://student.mcu.edu.tw-三重集賢宿舍簡介 |
Q2: 請問宿舍門禁? A: 晚上11點鐘門禁,宿舍舍監會點名。 Q2: Is there curfew and access control at the dormitory? A: Dormitory Supervisors will do a roll call at 11:00 PM every night. |
Q3: 請問我可以選室友嗎?(我想跟我朋友一起住)? A: 請到宿舍後與舍監確認。 Q3: May I choose my roommates? (I would like to stay with my friends.) A: Please check related details with your dormitory supervisor. Please refer to the following link (under Housing Service) for their contact information: https://student.mcu.edu.tw/en/content/organization |
Q4: 請問床的大小及高度? A: 請參閱學務處網頁之校內宿舍專區,有詳細之宿舍資訊。 Q4: What is the size of the bed in the dorm? A: The bed size is 194cm*100cm in Jixian Dorm. Please refer to following link for more information: https://student.mcu.edu.tw/sites/default/files/u3/pdf/%E4%B8%89%E9%87%8D%E9%9B%86%E8%B3%A2%E5%AE%BF%E8%88%8D%E7%B0%A1%E4%BB%8B.pdf |
Q5: 請問如何申請學生平安保險理賠? 團體保險理賠? A: 請備妥學生證、居留證、銀行帳戶影本、醫院看病收據、醫生診斷證明書(如有骨折須提供X光片)。 Q5: How do I make a Student Group Accident and Hospitalization Insurance claim? A: Please prepare the following required documents and bring them to Student Affairs Division: (1) Student ID card (2) ARC (3) copy of bank passbook (4) hospital receipts (5) doctor diagnosis (6) X Ray image, if any taken. |
Q6: 請問上課缺席,如何請假? A: 請登入學生資訊系統請假。 Q6: How do I apply for a leave if I am absent from class? A: Students can visit Student Information System to take leave: https://www.mcu.edu.tw/student/enew-query/default.asp |
Q7: 請問現在住在校外,我想要搬進宿舍可以嗎? A: 請先向學務組詢問是否有空房,登記候補,如有特殊原因,請寫學生報告書。 Q7: Is the school dorm available for students to move in anytime? A: Students need to check with Student Affairs Division to see if there’s any vacancy for them; your name will be put on the waiting list if the dorm is full. If there is a special situation, you can write a student report. Please refer to following link (under Housing Service) for related contact information: https://student.mcu.edu.tw/en/content/organization. |
Q1: 請問如何知道我的TEAMS帳號? A: 帳號為:學號@ms1.mcu.edu.tw。 預設密碼皆為:學號後四碼+西元生日。 Q1: How do I know my TEAMS account user name? A: Please use the information below to set up your TEAMS account: Email: Student ID number@ms1.mcu.edu.tw Default Password: Last four digits of your student ID number + your date of birth (YYYY MM DD) |
Q2: 請問為什麼我的MOODLE裡面,沒有顯示我選的課? A: Moodle左側請按匯入當學期課程。 Q2: Why is there no course schedule appearing in my Moodle system? A: In the left-hand side of Moodle, click on “import courses” then your course schedule will be shown on Moodle. |
Q3: 請問我忘記TEAMS密碼,進不去系統,該怎麼辦? A: 預設密碼皆為:學號後四碼+西元生日。 如果忘記密碼,請至學生資訊系統,填寫電子表單,表單編號1683,新的密碼會回覆 在電子表單內。 Q3: What should I do if I forget my TEAMS password? A: The default password is the last four digits of your student ID number + your date of birth (YYYY MM DD). If you already revised your password and you forgot it, please log into E-Requests and E-Form System to fill out form NO.1683, and a new default password will be returned to you in an e-form. https://www1.mcu.edu.tw/Apps/SB/SB_Site.aspx?PageID=164 |
Q4: 請問學校有提供office軟體供學生下載嗎? A: 有的,在資網處網頁之軟體清單,可以下載 office系列軟體。 Q4: Does the university provide Microsoft Office software for students to download? A: Yes, for more details, please check the list of software provided by the university on Information and Network Division website: https://infonet.mcu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/13. Software provided by the university is only available for use on on-campus computers. |
Q1: 請問我要如何知道,國外匯款繳學費是否有成功(針對受疫情影響入學之新生)? A: 匯款後,請將單據EMAIL給國教處,並知會國際學生顧問室,一旦入帳後,國教處會EMAIL給你 TEAMS的帳號密碼,供上網路課程(針對因疫情,等待入台之新生)。 Q1: How do I know if my tuition fee payment from overseas was successfully processed? (Freshmen affected by COVID-19, awaiting entry to Taiwan) A: Please email your remittance record to MCU International Education and Exchange Division (IEE): oas@mail.mcu.edu, and notify MCU Office of International Student Service (OISS) at the same time: pic202@mail.mcu.edu.tw (Taoyuan campus), nora@mail.mcu.edu.tw (Taipei campus). IEE will email your TEAMS account information to you for online courses access once the university has received your tuition fee. |
Q2: 請問我要去哪裡繳納學費? 防疫宿舍費用? 宿舍費用? A: 單據金額如不超過6萬元,即可在便利超商繳納,超過6萬元,請在校內出納組繳交。(超過6萬新生可以在出納組繳交, 舊生請至郵局繳費) Q2: Where can I pay my tuition fee, quarantine dorm fee, and dorm fee for the semester? A: Following the total amount of the fee shown on your fee invoice, total fees under NTD. 60,000 can be paid at convenience stores, fees over NTD. 60,000 for freshmen should be paid at MCU Bursar Section of General Affairs Division, and fees over NTD. 60,000 for other students should be paid at the post office. |
Q3: 請問如何海外轉帳繳納學費嗎? A: 提供學生匯款帳號資訊,並請學生於匯款完成後,提供匯款紀錄。 Q3. How do I pay the tuition fee through international remittance? A: Please follow the MCU bank account information shown below to complete your tuition fee payment and provide your remittance record to MCU after you complete all the procedures: 銘傳大學帳戶 銀行名稱 :台北富邦銀行大同分行 銀行地址 : 103台北市大同區重慶北路三段186號 銀行電話 : +886-2-2592-9282 快捷碼 : TPBKTWTP310 帳號:3801-0101-0241 戶名:財團法人銘傳大學 聯絡電話 :+886-2-2882-4564 Ext. 2250 Ming Chuan University Bank Account Information BANK NAME: TAIPEI FUBON COMMERCIAL BANK TA TUNG BRANCH BANK ADDRESS: 186, SEC. 3, CHUNGKING N. RD. TAIPEI, TAIWAN BANK TEL: +886-2-2592-9282 SWIFT CODE: TPBKTWTP310 BENEFICIARY’S A/C NO: 3801-0101-0241 BENEFICIARY’S A/C NAME: MING CHUAN UNIVERSITY BENEFICIARY’S TEL: +886-2-2882-4564 Ext. 2250 |
Q1: 請問如何選課 (針對已繳費,等待入台之新生)? A:人在國外時: 系上秘書會EMAIL給你相關資料。 Q1: Can I choose courses online after I paid the tuition fee? (Freshmen affected by COVID-19, awaiting entry to Taiwan) A: If you are awaiting entry to Taiwan due to COVID-19 pandemic, your department secretary will contact you through email and assist you with course selection. |
Q2: 請問我想如何找到課程授課老師? A: 請至系上的網頁,搜尋老師的EMAIL,可以EMAIL給老師或與系上之秘書聯繫。 Q2: How do I contact faculty members in my department? A: You can contact them by email; please visit your department website for more details about their contact information. You can also contact your department secretary for further assistance. |