International Students recommended from overseas sister universities can find useful information and forms for the study abroad/ student exchange program at MCU. Please feel free to download the information and use it carefully. In case the information is revised, please follow the announcement issued by the MCU International Education and Exchange Office.
MCU Exchange Program Application From (inbound)
Please complete the form in English and attach with one personal photo.
Please wait to confirm your flight ticket only after you receive the Letter of Acceptance issued by Ming Chuan University. We advise students not to buy plane tickets before the finalization of your entry visa in order to avoid costs due to cancellations or rescheduling.
International Exchange Student Handbook
The Handbook contains useful information for incoming exchange students studying abroad at MCU, such as estimated costs, course registration, programs available at MCU, dormitory, visa application procedures, Q & A etc. Please feel free to write to ivy@mail.mcu.edu.tw to request for the handbook.
International Exchange Student VISA Application to enter Taiwan
International students must apply VISA in order to enter Taiwan. Once you receive Ming Chuan University’s Admission Letter, please hold this as one of the important document to apply your visa. Please apply your visa at your country’s ROC (Taiwan) missions (Embassies or Representative Offices).
Authorization for Emergency Medical Treatment Form (Sample)
Authorization for Emergency Medical Treatment needs to be completed by the parents (guardians). In case of medical emergency of the student and need for emergency treatment, Ming Chuan University will try to notify parents (guardians) or person listed on the agreement as an emergency contact.
Before departure, students should prepare the document and have it signed by the parents (guardians), and then bring the original document for the Registration at MCU.
International Exchange Student Airport Pick-up and Dormitory Service Booking Form
MCU provides free airport pick-up service and dormitory booking for incoming exchange students. Please complete the Service Booking form and before the deadline (for Fall semester, before July 31, for Spring semester, before December 31), Email to ivy@mail.mcu.edu.tw
Exchange students are nominated by MCU’s partner institutions. Please contact the international office at your home institution about the nomination procedure. For more information, please visit MCU IEE website and click on Exchange (Inbound), or email ivy@mail.mcu.edu.tw(link sends e-mail) for assistance.
International students on 1-semester exchange program are strongly recommended to arrange their own general & medical insurance coverage in their home country for their stay in Taiwan. If students have difficulty in arranging insurance before departure, they can consider the option of joining the Foreign Students Health Insurance at their own expense after arriving at MCU.
International students on 1-year exchange program, who have been staying in Taiwan for more than 6 months and already been issued the Alien Residence Certificate (ARC), can join the National Health Insurance, the healthcare system in Taiwan, at their own expense.
Exchange students cannot pre-register for courses in advance from overseas.
After arriving at MCU in the beginning of the new semester and completing the registration procedure, exchange students can enroll, change, add or drop courses online through Student System during the online course add/drop period. Please note that it may be difficult for exchange students to get all the courses they are interested in because a limited number of seats are available for popular classes.