Article 1 Regulation of MCU Students on Overseas Exchange Programs is established for MCU students with the intention of studying abroad through overseas exchange programs between MCU and its partner schools (hereinafter referred to as “the Regulation”).
Article 2 Students are recommended to study abroad at schools which have entered into an academic cooperation and student exchange agreement with MCU.
Article 3 The number of exchange students is regulated based on the agreements between MCU and overseas partner schools. Students, in principle, may attend the exchange program for a period of one semester. With the condition of available vacancies, students can apply to fill the vacancies and extend the exchange period to one year at maximum at the same overseas partner school.
Article 4 Students, when applying for exchange programs and during the period of overseas study, must be full-time registered degree seekers at MCU, with average academic grade of all semesters over 75, have never participated in the student exchange program, and should be recommended by the department and school/ college. Provided a student has achieved the requirements for graduation during the period of studying abroad, he/she will be disqualified as an exchange student from MCU upon graduation.
Article 5 Students should prepare required documents including application forms and language proficiency, and submit them to International Education and Exchange Division (hereinafter referred to as “IEE”) . After a preliminary committee evaluation, IEE will then forward students’ application package to the overseas partner schools for official review. If the number of applications exceed the available vacancies at partner schools, applicants are ranked in order by the criteria of (firstly) average academic grade of all semesters, (secondly) average conduct grade of all semesters, and (thirdly) the committee resolution of which committee members are designated by corresponding departments and IEE.
Article 6 Students will be informed of the final acceptance decision by IEE and the announcement will be published on IEE website.
Article 7 Students should pay tuition and fees to MCU, and be responsible of their own overseas living expenses, including accommodation, meals, travel, etc. Other related regulations shall be based on the agreements between MCU and partner schools.
Article 8 After returning from overseas, students should submit transcripts and study reports to IEE within the given time period.
Article 9 Students should meet the qualifications for studying abroad as regulated by corresponding departments and schools/ colleges, and arrange credits in advance for credit transferring process by seeking advice from their departments and schools/ colleges.
Article 10 Scholarship for studying abroad is applicable to full-time registered students with average academic grade over 80 and conduct grade over 85. The final amount of scholarship award is subject to the annual budget availability from the Ministry of Education and regulations by the school committee.
Article 11 Items not covered in the Regulation shall abide by relevant MCU regulations.
Article 12 The Regulation has been approved by the Administrative Council and the President. Any amendments must be processed accordingly.
- Exchange students should complete the MCU registration process before going abroad and pay tuition and fees to MCU; Exchange students do not pay tuition to the host university.
- Exchange students, after nominated by MCU, should prepare required materials and submit to IEE office before deadline. IEE will then forward the package to the host university. In case of late submittance, students become responsible of mailing own package to the host university.
- Exchange students should pay their own overseas living expenses, including accommodation, meals, travel, books, etc.
- Exchange students who are required to attend language training course on conditional offer by the host university, should pay the incurring tuition for language course as well as tuition fess to MCU.
- The review, preparation, issuing and delivery of the admission documents is subject to the schedules of the host university. Students should keep track of the progress. Upon receiving the admission package from the host school, students should arrange their passports, visas, accommodation, courses and so on, and attend the orientation program scheduled by the host university. Visa application procedure is subject to the rules and regulations set by the countries of the partner schools, which MCU fully respects. IEE Office will provide assistance if need be.
- Exchange students should inform IEE Office of departure time and be responsible of personal safety and school reputation while abroad.
- Exchange students should arrange their courses and credits in advance for credit transferring process according to MCU regulations by seeking advice from their department or school. Credit transfer should be processed according to the departments’ regulations after returning from the host university. In case that a student is unable to take the final exam on campus due to the academic schedule at the host university that requires early departure, the student should submit the letter of admission from the host university to the instructor for approval. The instructor of the course may decide how to handle the final grades.
- Exchange students who are eligible for military service should complete relevant legal processes before going abroad.
- Exchange students should assist and advise next years’ exchange students on preparation and also provide necessary information to fellow students. After returning from the host university, exchange students should submit study reports to IEE and share personal experiences in the exchange program seminars.
- Exchange students admitted by the host university shall not quit or suspend their study except for urgent, unavoidable incidents. Otherwise, the student will be punished according to MCU regulations. In case of urgent, unavoidable incidents, students should submit related materials to IEE Office and apply for cancellation.
- Other related rights and obligations shall be based on the Exchange Agreement between the two schools. When the Agreement is extended or amended, the new version will take effect.
- If requested by the host university to change the exchange plan for specific reasons, IEE will contact the admitted students to discuss alteration